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Responsive Card Blocks Email

One template. Multiple layout combinations.


Drag & Drop Card Order

Want to re-order your cards so the intro is on the bottom? No problem. Just edit the Email Card Blocks Module and drag and drop the card in the desired position. You can also add new cards without having to edit the template.


Designed for Growth

The Romans constructed aqueducts throughout their Empire, to bring water from outside sources into cities and towns. Without a consistent supply of water, these cities would not have been able to build their elaborate fountains and baths. In a similar way, your organization requires a consistent stream of leads to survive. Think of this template as a brick in your business' lead aqueduct.

“Email has an ability many channels don’t: creating valuable, personal touches – at scale.” 

David Newman


Help if You Need It

Purchasing templates can save you a lot of time and expense. But sometimes the template you have doesn't fully fit your brand. Jacob Lett, the template designer, is always available to help answer any questions or work with you to make template customizations.

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