Jake Hero Banner
Parallax Image or Video. Free & Easy to Use.
Grab attention with a Parallax Hero Banner Module for HubSpot CMS. Easily add engaging visuals to your pages and enhance user experience. Boost engagement now!
Parallax Image or Video. Free & Easy to Use.
Parallax Image or Video. Free & Easy to Use.
The content management system you need to easily create and personalize website pages for every visitor — optimized for conversion across every device. Rely on developers as much or as little as you’d like.
Text : A rich text box to make it easy to add as much text as you need.
Link : Add link to a page or file
Link Text : To hide the call to action, just delete the placeholder text
Custom CSS Classes : Use this to add a custom button class used by your theme or provided by your developer.
Choose Background Style : Choose from images or video
Parallax Background : Toggle the parallax effect
Stop Video After Scrolling From Top : Pauses the video if you scroll down 500px from the top of the window
Video (MP4) : Add your MP4 video file (view my video file recommendations above in the FAQ section.)
Background Image - Desktop: Choose the image to display on desktop
Background Image - Mobile: Choose the image to display on mobile devices
Image Loading : If the module is at the top of the page choose eager. Choose lazy if it is in the middle or the bottom of the page.
Text Font: Adjust the text font styles. Mostly I would use this to adjust the font color and font family. Because you can also make font style adjustments in the rich text editor.
Text Alignment : Change text alignment to left, center, or right
Text Max Width : Helps to control text wrapping of long headlines. Applies only on desktop.
Text Drop Shadow : Used to provide more contrast for your text so it is more readable on a dark background.
Text Alignment : Change text alignment to left, center, or right
Background Color : Set a button background color
Hover Background Color : Set a button background color on hover
Font : Set a button font color
Hover Font : Set a button font color on hover
Spacing : Adjust button padding and margin.
Overlay Color : Set an overlay color to go above your background image or video. Helps to increase contrast and make your text more readable.
Spacing Mobile : Adjust the padding and margin on mobile
Spacing Desktop : Adjust the padding and margin on desktop
Border Radius : Adds rounded corners to the container
Grab attention with a Parallax Hero Banner Module for HubSpot CMS. Easily add engaging visuals to your pages and enhance user experience. Boost engagement now!
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