Modular Web Development: How to Design Flexible HubSpot Websites

How HubSpot Modular Web Design Can Save You Time and Money

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The cost of not acting on micro-website improvements

The cost of identifying areas of improvement on a website (micro website improvements) and then not acting on them due to budget constraints can lead to a costly redesign later.

Think about all of the micro website improvements that go undone on a website because of the lack of time or budget.

The micro improvement is so small it doesn’t make sense to hire a developer full-time, an agency on retainer, or a consultant.

So what happens? A non-technical person tries to do something themselves or, worse, nothing. It just collects dust. These micro website improvements pile up over the years, and you start hearing the big heavy phrase...


“I don't like our website. We need to redesign it.”

So now the piled-up list of micro website improvements becomes a general feeling. "I don’t like our website; it is slow, too busy, and unprofessional."

The company then hires an agency or tasks an internal team and tells them, “We want something fresh, clean, and modern.” They want a solution for the general feeling and not the specific problems they identified over the years because they were not written down.

These problems (micro website improvements) are just in someone's head and are not being solved during the redesign project.

So the agency creates a new design that looks clean, fresh, and modern but doesn’t address the underlying problems or opportunities for improvement. And in 5 years, the cycle continues.

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A micro website improvements approach saves considerable time and money because it continuously improves individual page components instead of deleting and redesigning an entire website.


So how can companies break out of the costly 5-year website redesign cycle? 

I firmly believe embracing a modular approach to a website can significantly decrease the need for a complete website redesign.

Like improving a car, you could purchase a new vehicle or replace a component if you want more performance. And if you find that component doesn't work, swap it out for another.

It's a new commitment to redesigning modules instead of redesigning websites.

What is modular HubSpot web development?

Common website elements known as modules are used as building blocks to construct pages. Each module is made up of various elements like text, buttons, and images. A page is built by combining numerous modules, which divides complicated issues into simpler parts to comprehend, explain, and create. These modules are reusable components that can be used in page templates or added to pages through drag and drop areas and flexible columns


A Call to HubSpot Modules for Website Continuous Improvement!

For developers and designers, embracing modules would help you focus on improving sections and patterns. Creating a tool instead of a full-page layout. This will decrease the burden of thinking through all of the design scenarios with page templates but instead begin to build a library of reusable parts and pieces that can be remixed, swapped out, and improved upon over time.

Another opportunity I see is for companies to support and work with a HubSpot CMS marketplace provider like me : ) so they create the themes and modules you need most. Having a long-term back-and-forth relationship of sharing feedback and improving products of value. HubSpot marketplace providers would highly value your ideas and feedback to motivate them to continue creating new products for the HubSpot marketplace.

Thank you for reading!
Jake Lett

Learn how I can help you improve your website.


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